RAF No 12 Bomber Squadron Royal Air Force Badge H.W.Miller c1940s
A rare original King George VI period gilt and enamel badge, depicting a fox's mask and motto 'Leads The Field', the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright.
Height approx 33mm.
At the outbreak of the Second World War RAF No 12 Squadro... read more
RAF No 253 Hyderabad State Battle of Britain Squadron badge 1918 - 1947
A scarce original pre 1947 period 'Royal Air Force No. 253 Hyderabad State Squadron white enamel gilt shield badge' displaying King George VI blue enamel title circlet, the centre depicting a dexter arm with motto below 'COME ONE COME ALL'. Very good condition, complete with original continental style pin fitting, enamel perfect, gilt finish remains bright.
Height approx 29mm read more
60.00 GBP
RAF No 257 Battle of Britain Squadron Royal Air Force Badge H.W.Miller
A very scarce original circa 1940 period 'RAF No 257 Battle of Britain Squadron gilt and enamel badge, depicting a Chinthe with Burmese motto 'Thay Myay Gyee Shin Shwe Hti' (Death or Glory), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St. B'Ham.18'. Good condition, complete with original pin fittings, partial enamel loss to crown, gilt finish remains bright. Price reflec... read more
80.00 GBP
RAF No 2 A.C. Royal Air Force Reconnaissance Squadron Badge c1940 H.W.Miller
A very scarce original King George VI period 'Royal Air Force No 11 Army Co-operation Reconnaissance Squadron gilt and enamel badge' the centre depicting a 'Wake Knot' symbol with Latin motto 'Hereward' (Guardian of the Army), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St. B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt... read more
120.00 GBP
RAF No 18 Bomber Squadron Royal Air Force badge H.W. MILLER LTD
A very scarce original King George VI period 'RAF No 18 Bomber Squadron Royal Air Force' gilt and enamel pin badge, the centre depicting a Pegasus rampant, with Latin motto below 'Animo et fide' (with courage and faith); the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd St B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains ... read more
120.00 GBP
RAF No 72 Battle of Britain Squadron Royal Air Force badge c1950s H.W.Miller
A scarce original early Elizabeth II period 'RAF No 72 Battle of Britain Squadron gilt and enamel badge', depicting a swift in flight and motto, the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St. B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright, an excellent example.
Height approx 34mm.
RA... read more
75.00 GBP
RAF No 229 OCU Royal Air Force operational conversion unit badge H.W.Miller
A scarce original George VI period 'RAF No 229 O.C.U.' gilt and enamel badge, the centre depicting crossed sword and torch with Latin motto 'Discendo Duces' (By Learning, You Will Lead); the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel.
Height 33mm.
No 229 OCU 'RAF Le... read more
60.00 GBP
RAF No 76 Bomber Squadron Royal Air Force badge H.W. MILLER LTD
A very scarce original King George VI period 'RAF No 76 Bomber Squadron Royal Air Force' gilt and enamel pin badge, the centre depicting a lion passant on rose; the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd St B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright. An excellent example.
Height 33mm. read more
RAFVR Bristol University Air Squadron Badge H.W.Miller circa 1950's
A scarce original early Elizabeth II period 'R.A.F.V.R. Bristol University Air Squadron gilt and enamel badge', depicting a Galleon with Latin motto 'Audentior Ito' (I am more daring), the reverse with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no defects to the ename, gilt finish remains bright.
Height 34mm.
In 1965 the Ro... read more
60.00 GBP
RAF No 234 Battle of Britain Squadron Royal Air Force badge c1940s
A rare original circa 1939 to 1946 period 'Royal Air Force No 234 (Madras Presidency) Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron gilt and enamel pin badge', depicting a 'Dragon rampant flames issuing from the mouth' and Latin motto 'Ignem mortemque despuimus' (We spit fire and death), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.MILLER LTD B'HAM.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin f... read more
RAF Royal Air Force Station Driffield lapel badge
A scarce original post 1935 'RAF Royal Air Force Station Driffield lapel badge'; King Geoge VI crowned small gilt and enamel example, the centre depicting a 'Cornucopia horn of plenty' superimposed over 'Yorkshire Rose' with motto 'Strong Foundation'. Very good condition, complete with original buttonhole fitting, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright. Height approx 27mm.
R... read more
45.00 GBP
RAF No 500 (County of Kent) Squadron Auxiliary Air Force Badge
A scarce original post 1936 'Auxiliary Air Force No 500 Squadron lapel badge'; King Geoge VI crowned small gilt and enamel example, the centre depicting the White Horse of Kent with Latin motto scroll 'Quo fata vocent' (Whither the Fates call). Good condition, complete with original buttonhole fitting, no damage to the enamel. Height 24mm.
No. 500 (County of Kent) Squadron AAF was a Roya... read more
45.00 GBP
RAF No 8 Squadron Royal Air Force Badge circa 1950s
A good original Elizabeth II period gilt and enamel badge, depicting a 'Jambiya' an Arabian dagger and Latin motto 'Uspiam et passim' (Everywhere unbounded), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel.
Height 34mm. read more
RAF No 3 Group Headquarters Royal Air Force badge H.W.Miller
A very scarce original King George VI period gilt and enamel badge, depicting three swords, the points upwards, and each enfiled by an Astral Crown, with Dutch motto below 'NIET ZONDER ARBYT (Nothing without Labour), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St B'Ham.18. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish rema... read more
Royal Air Force Station Binbrook Lincolnshire RAF badge c1940's by H.W.Miller
A very scarce original King George VI period 'Royal Air Force Station Binbrook gilt and enamel badge' displaying the motto 'United we Strike', the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd Branston St B'Ham 18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, enamel perfect.
Height 33mm
RAF Binbrook was opened as a Bomber Command station in June 1940 during ... read more
RAF No 202 General Reconnaissance Squadron Royal Air Force badge
A scarce original early Elizabeth II period 'RAF No 202 Squadron gilt and enamel badge', depicting a mallard alighting and motto 'Semper vigilate' (Be Always Vigilant); the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright.
Height approx 35mm. read more
35.00 GBP
RAF No1 School of Technical Training Royal Air Force badge
A good original early Elizabeth II period 'RAF No1 School of Technical Training gilt and enamel badge' the centre displaying a Beech tree with Latin motto 'Crescentes Discimus' (Growing we learn). Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright.
Height 34mm read more
35.00 GBP
RAF Station Lyneham Royal Air Force Badge by H.W. MILLER
A very scarce original early Elizabeth II period 'Royal Air Force Station Lyneham gilt and enamel lapel badge' the centre displaying a terrestrial globe and comet with motto 'Support Save Supply'; the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original buttonhole fitting, no stress marks or damage to the enamel.
Height 34mm. read more
60.00 GBP
RAFVR Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron Royal Air Force badge H.W.Miller
A scarce original Queen Elizabeth II post 1963 period 'RAFVR Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron gilt and enamel badge, the centre depicting a 'Cross Patee Quadrate' with Latin motto 'Dat Scientia Alas' (Knowledge Gives Wings), the reverse with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good clean condition, complete with original pin fittings, gilt finish remains bright.
Height ... read more
RAF No 201 Squadron Royal Air Force badge
A scarce original early Elizabeth II period 'No 201 Squadron Royal Air Force' gilt and enamel badge, depicting a seagull and Latin motto 'Hic et ubique' (Here and everywhere), the reverse impressed with maker's details 'H.W.Miller Ltd B'Ham.18'. Very good condition, complete with original pin fittings, no damage to the enamel, gilt finish remains bright.
Height 35mm. read more
45.00 GBP